Sunday, June 15, 2008

Acrobat failed on me ... Linux products seem like social service !

Well after a 40 day happy uncrashed sessions on ubuntu 8.04, my ubuntu started crashing (thank god, not on its own) , but when i open a pdf and then another pdf, which is a bit large (not that much though). Yes, it kills ubuntu, and it restarts ! Too bad .. Gnome doesnt even let me save my work etc .. its just blank screen and then dead ! Anyways that made me look back to my vista partition again, though i never liked to be on vista, but thank god it hasnt as yet crashed on me while working. It did sometimes no respond, when it came back from sleep and all that .. but atleast it didnt die due to a bad application.

The problem is the fact that product companies, have considered windows as mainstream for a long time and now its osx thats also getting its share of importance, thanks to some vista issues. Linux for lack of a powerful company backing it, creates marketing issues, and product companies either dont release products for linux or even if they release, they release it as though they are doing some social service ! I guess with mainstream companies like google and amazon using linux on their desktops, its time they contribute to it .. instead of considering it as an alternative !

Anyways i was able to do everything without issue on Linux, though i think frankly its being treated wrongly ! Anyways now I am back to vista, and i am pretty much happy. I am certainly not going to use OSX, since i think apple is too closed, and they are certainly not doing the right thing forcing people to buy the over priced mac laptops !!!

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